Spera Impact Standard
Investing together for the future

Investing together for the future

Focused on Sustainability Goals

At SEAL Impact Club, we are guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on Goals #13, #14, and #15, which address Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life on Land, respectively. While these goals are central to our mission, we also maintain stringent investment criteria to ensure responsible and impactful investments across all projects.

Our Investment Criteria

Our investment philosophy is built on a foundation of sustainability, impact, and responsible stewardship of resources. When evaluating potential projects within our core focus areas of seaweed, agriculture, and forestry, we consider the following criteria:

  1. Environmental Impact: Projects must have a clear and positive impact on the environment, including carbon reduction, biodiversity preservation, and responsible land use.
  2. Social Benefit: Investments should enhance the well-being of local communities, promote fair labor practices, and empower individuals in the regions where projects are located.
  3. Economic Viability: We prioritize projects with a strong potential for financial sustainability, ensuring that they can deliver returns to our members.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: All projects must adhere to rigorous reporting and transparency standards. We prioritize initiatives that provide members with clear and verifiable impact data.
  5. Alignment with UN SDGs: Investments should align with our primary focus on UN SDGs #13 – Climate Action, #14 – Life below water, and #15 – Life on land, while also contributing positively to other SDGs.

Membership Contributions and Dividends

As a cooperative, we believe in shared ownership and shared rewards. Members at all levels—Titan, Azure, Sage, and Coral—contribute to our cooperative’s investment fund. These contributions serve as the financial backbone for our impact projects.

Your Membership Contribution: Growing Impact, Leaving a Legacy

Planting Seeds of Impact: When you become a member, you plant a seed of impact. Your membership contribution is the starting point of your philanthropic journey, representing your dedication to making a meaningful difference in the world.

A Cycle of Growth: Your contribution is not just a one-time membership contribution; it’s a perpetual cycle of growth. Here’s how it works:

  1. Option 1 – Legacy Impact: With this option, your contribution becomes a legacy of impact. You make your contribution, and after 3 years, we return it to you, doubled. This means your initial contribution now has the power to create even greater change.
  2. Option 2 – One-Year Impact: You contribute your chosen amount, and after 12 months, we return your entire contribution along with a 5% interest. This ensures that your impact commitment remains dynamic, allowing you to use your contribution to the causes you care about, year after year.

Leaving a Legacy: As your membership contributions grow year by year, they become a testament to your commitment to sustainable impact. Your legacy will continue to fuel our initiatives, leaving an enduring mark on the world.

A Circle of Impact: By choosing to become a member and contributing, you join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for change. Together, we form a circle of impact, creating a ripple effect that reverberates far beyond our individual contributions.

Empowering Change: Your contributions empower us to tackle global challenges, drive innovation, and create sustainable solutions. With your support, we amplify our collective impact, making the world a better place for all.

Dividends: Beginning in 2025, SEAL Impact Club will distribute dividends to its members on the 1st of July each year. The amount of the dividend payout will be determined based on the cooperative’s financial performance and returns. All members, regardless of their membership level, will share in the cooperative’s success.

Join us in planting the seeds of impact, growing change year by year, and leaving a legacy that generations will remember. Together, we’re rewriting the narrative of philanthropy and creating a world where impact knows no bounds. Let’s redefine philanthropy and sustainability, hand in hand.

Choose your level of Impact