Spera Impact Standard



The world’s agriculture sector stands at the crossroads of opportunity and challenge. As global populations surge, so does the demand for food. However, this growth places tremendous strain on our environment, soil health, and the livelihoods of farmers. It’s a critical juncture that requires innovative solutions and collaborative efforts to secure a sustainable and prosperous future.

Background and Purpose

Agriculture: The Heart of Humanity

Agriculture is the bedrock of civilization, the source of sustenance for billions of people, and a testament to human ingenuity. Throughout history, farmers have toiled the land, nurturing it to yield bountiful harvests. They are the stewards of the Earth, ensuring that food reaches our tables.

The Challenges We Face:

  1. Feeding a Growing World: The global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Feeding this burgeoning population while ensuring food security is a colossal challenge.
  2. Environmental Impact: Conventional agricultural practices have strained our environment, leading to deforestation, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss. Agriculture is also a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Farmer Livelihoods: Many farmers struggle to make ends meet, facing financial instability and uncertain futures. This has led to a decline in the number of people pursuing farming as a livelihood.

The Role of Soil Health:

At the heart of these challenges lies the health of our soil. Soil is not just dirt; it’s a living, breathing ecosystem that sustains life on Earth. Healthy soil is essential for growing nutritious crops, mitigating climate change, and maintaining water quality.

The Purpose of Our Agricultural Initiative

In recognition of these challenges and opportunities, we introduce our agricultural initiative—a collaborative effort aimed at transforming agriculture into a regenerative force for good.

Our Mission:

  • Empowering Farmers: We are on a mission to empower farmers around the world, ensuring that they can not only survive but thrive on their farms. We believe that the coming generations should be inspired to continue farming.
  • Soil Health: At the core of our mission is the preservation and enhancement of soil health. We recognize that soil is the foundation of our food systems and a key player in the fight against climate change.
  • Collaboration: We embrace collaboration with organizations like Nzatu to amplify our impact. Together, we can catalyze a global movement towards sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

Our Purpose:

  • Nature-Based Food: We aspire to create a world where nature-based food is abundant, high-quality, and accessible to all. Our vision is to foster a symbiotic relationship between humans, agriculture, and the environment.
  • Sustainable Farming: Through innovative practices, education, and advocacy, we aim to make sustainable farming not just a choice but a way of life for farmers worldwide.

In alignment with organizations, like NZATU, committed to sustainable and regenerative agriculture, we embark on a journey to transform agriculture into a force that nourishes both people and the planet. Together, we can cultivate a brighter future where farmers thrive, soil thrives, and food nourishes all.